AV Technology Integrators vs Online Retailers

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Worcester | 2021

2021 is a fresh start, a new beginning! Reflecting back on the challenging 2020 pandemic year, it goes without saying that Amazon gets the award for keeping many of us afloat by providing an easy way to comparison shop online, purchase, and have items delivered to the front door. In fact, any online retailer should get credit where credit is due, as they were all critical in helping to procure items needed for many organizations to operate in that (wait for it) unprecedented time. But this is about comparing online retailers to integrators! 

More than ever, technology products soared in 2020. Yes, absolutely, technology can be found online by swiping that ‘buy now’ button! Did you know, free 2-day shipping is still a thing! While the tagline for 2020 (inspired by countless ‘Zoom’ meetings) should be “unmute yourself”, the more important tagline for 2021 should be “who can I call when it breaks?” It seems very unlikely that Jeff Bezos will be available to help with the new gear you bought on Cyber Monday!

Of course, the term ‘technology’ can cover a broad scope of things. More specifically, this article refers to ‘AV technology’ such as audio, video, lighting, and live streaming equipment, to include microphones, speakers, digital signage displays, projectors, stage lighting, consoles, video switchers, cameras, etc.

Churches, schools, corporate offices, performance venues, and small businesses, keep reading. You don’t have to navigate the technology-driven landscape alone!


First things first: The purchasing process

What’s the purchasing process for organizations and businesses looking at AV technology? Obviously, making purchasing decisions for an organization is more complicated than for personal use. The decision typically takes into account the following:

Financial plan: Of course you’d always like it to be higher, but it’s important to know exactly what it is. If there are multiple decision-makers, get everyone together and figure it out. This will narrow down the options.

Determination of purpose: Is this purchase to upgrade current equipment, add on to existing equipment, or install all new equipment? What are the goals for this new gear? Decide exactly what the challenge is.

Shopping options: Shopping and price comparison are inevitable for bigger-ticket items like AV technology. Historically, buyers would physically visit multiple stores for selection. Now, shopping online provides a more convenient option. Even better, AV integrators come to you! There’s an endless sea of retailers in addition to Amazon out there. In the end, ask yourself what the priorities are – perhaps it’s having somebody to talk to about options, maybe it’s spending the least amount of money, or maybe it’s supporting the local economy.

Product reviews: Other’s opinions are important to many buyers, and should be! Be wary, however, of ‘review inflation’. Look at how many people submitted ratings. Seriously, a product that receives 4.7 gold stars from only a small handful of people doesn’t seem like reliable information. Research is vital to the purchasing process, and takes patience.

Deciding: Congratulations! You think know what you want! Just like the anticipation to receive a new gift on your birthday, you can’t wait for that bundle of AV joy to land on your doorstep.

Who and how: So, who’s in charge of set-up? Did you decide to purchase locally, or online? If you settled the tab online, the good news is that the AV technology you purchased probably comes with a library of tutorial videos on the manufacturer’s web site! Surely, you have plenty of time to watch and learn about the product’s initial set-up! If you went with an Integrator, you need not worry about anything more than scheduling the date!

So those are the basic shopping steps (as if they needed to be explained!) That might seem a bit daunting, especially if you don’t actually know what you’re looking for! Take a closer look at the differences between shopping online and partnering with an AV integrator. Did you know that an integrator’s main function is not simply to sell you product, but rather to make sure the product being introduced actually works within a larger system and achieves the goals set for the technology?

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Consultation: The priceless value of hiring AV technology integrators

Online shopping is definitely easier when you know what you need, but have you ever spent hours researching a product online? It’s easy to fall victim to that unavoidable time trap – as online retailers often suggest related items, or similar brands to compare – confusing for sure. A technology integrator would save a lot of time and energy. Technology integrators already know the products and brands available and which quality level each maintains. The integrator is able to guarantee your new purchase will work with your existing technology structure, or be able to map out the plan for integrating the technology.

Have you ever bought something only to find out you needed ‘this adapter’ or ‘that software’ in order for it to work? That adds time, cost, and also frustration. This invaluable information unfortunately cannot be found on the pages of a website because there’s little to no interaction between the customer and the retailer in online transactions. Integrators will advise on any accessories needed, such as the length of cable required to supply power to your equipment at the location of installation. Clamps, fasteners, adaptors, internet and software specs also need acknowledgment when installing new technology: second nature to an Integrator but usually overlooked by online retailers.


We get it. You want to save money. We want you to save money too.

It goes without saying that online retailers tend to offer better pricing than many local shops can offer. Certainly, online retailers can purchase in bulk, often translating to lower pricing. It’s important to understand why products costs what they do. It also goes without saying that you get what you pay for. Technology integrators that maintains price competitiveness with online retailers earns near nothing on the sale of the product.

For example, your business needs a video camera for live streaming. After researching and finding one within your budget, it would be easy to buy it online and work with an in-house IT or technical person to get it operational. Your other option would be to buy that same item from your local integrator, which may or may not cost the same price, but you’d have a lifeline of support and consultation should anything not work – peace of mind that online retailers aren’t able to provide. Additionally, the benefits of promoting a partnership between the in-house tech and the local integrator far outweigh the costs.

Support, support and more support. Did we mention support?

Support is a huge concept when talking about technology and integrating new gear into a working system. After the purchase is finalized and the product is received, the big question is: who ya gonna call?

Who DO you call when something doesn’t work with your new technology purchase? What happens when the new microphones you purchased don’t interact with your older model audio console? What happens when the video switcher you just purchased will only pick up the feed from one camera and not multiple cameras as expected? These scenarios caused quite a few technology nightmares for a lot of organizations last year. Do you call the online retailer you purchased it from? Chances are, the retailer is going to direct you to the manufacturer. Then you’d have to spend a significant amount of time on hold or online waiting to chat with tech support who really can’t see the root of the problem through the small tunnel of vision provided through your description of the difficulty. Then again, which manufacturer do you call? Would it be for the new product or the product you are retrofitting it to? If you don’t have a headache just thinking about this process, pat yourself on the back because you are the exception!

Conclusion: Call the AV technology integrator!

By utilizing the services of a technology integrator in the first place, your organization will save precious time AND money. When the ball dropped in the final moments of 2020, the technology problems that year presented didn’t disappear. If nothing else, this fast-paced aspect of business will get more technologically complicated. It won’t be a question of who to call – the answer is clear – call an AV Technology Integrator partner!